Miss Great Britain 2006 Nude

Here we have miss Great Britain Danielle Lloyd posing nude for the magazine everyone else drops their clothes for, Playboy. Normally I wouldnt care about a miss Great Britain but this babe is a hot exception!

Danielle Lloyd Danielle Lloyd Danielle Lloyd Danielle Lloyd

8 thoughts on “Miss Great Britain 2006 Nude”

  1. I think they airbrushed a little too much for me. Especially on her back in the third pic. She looks like one of those little chinese acrobats that can put their ass on the back of their head. Weird looking!!!

  2. yeah shes hot and shes 100% british, we let you see Lucy Pinder but you yanks sure as hell ain’t getting your chubby hands on our scouse gem lol

  3. Yeah, Danielle is nice but in these pics she’s been Playboy-ised in other words made to look like some flashy yank. All Playboy pictures look have the same style yaaawwn

    Sadly for you yanks you have no taste in women whatsoever!


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