5 comments on “Milena Velba at the Beach!”

  1. BeerMan says:

    Wow! Those are massive!
    Great vid.

  2. IvanLeTerrible says:

    Daaayum! Luv dis Czech COW and her giant dairy cow UDDERS!!! Wish I could open a milk factory jus by milkin dose slav COWS like Milena, Abbi Secraa and others… Moo, moo!!!

  3. Don P says:

    Man, I gotta admit, I’ve never felt like eating sand until now.

  4. BeerMan says:

    Her tits are so massive they create a good sized splash. And check out the creepy dude in the background. 😂

  5. mr hung says:

    incredible! never get bored of those huge things!

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