Micaela Schaefer Turns Her Nipples Into Hearts with Tattoo!

This is kinda nuts if its real but here are photos of a topless Micaela Schaefer turning her nipples into hearts with areola tattoos at some erotic expo show. To me, this looks weird as hell but I’ve actually heard that these kinds of tattoos are becoming more popular. Wouldn’t tattooing your nipple be insanely painful though?

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

Michaela Schaefer nipple tattooMichaela Schaefer nipple tattooMichaela Schaefer nipple tattooMichaela Schaefer nipple tattooMichaela Schaefer nipple tattooMichaela Schaefer nipple tattooMichaela Schaefer nipple tattooMichaela Schaefer nipple tattoo

10 thoughts on “Micaela Schaefer Turns Her Nipples Into Hearts with Tattoo!”

  1. Dis hoe is disgusting, an attention whore in every sense of the word. Dont see why she is featured here so often.

  2. No, its because she’s topless while getting a nipple tattoo. Show me a hotter woman that does similar stunts to Micaela and I’d post her instead.

    Its a curiosity rather than “wank” material.

  3. Stfu haters, her tits are perfect. Excellent boob job. She’ was very, very hot. I’m not on board with these nipple tatoos, but I’ve dropped many a jaw and busted many a nut to Micaela’s pictures and strange public nudity appearances.

    You can cal her a mentally-distrubed attention whore, but you can’t say she’s not hot and her boobs aren’t amazing. That’s not an area where reasonable minds can disagree.


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