Micaela Schaefer is a Topless Zombie

Micaela Schaefer won Halloween by dressing up as a topless Zombie, in PUBLIC! This is perfect.. sexy and terrifying at the same time. That missing nipple is not attractive but I’d still hit it.

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

Micaela Schaefer is a topless zombieMicaela Schaefer is a topless zombieMicaela Schaefer is a topless zombieMicaela Schaefer is a topless zombieMicaela Schaefer is a topless zombieMicaela Schaefer is a topless zombieMicaela Schaefer is a topless zombie

5 thoughts on “Micaela Schaefer is a Topless Zombie”

  1. Far better than the majority of fat cows posted on here. I’d hit it repeatedly, and brag about it to all my friends.


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