Micaela Schaefer and Bettie Ballhaus in Naked Music Video

Not sure if this is just a sexy video or an actual music video but either way, we got German babe Micaela Schaefer, German porn star Bettie Ballhaus and a busty blonde dancing awkwardly to dance music. What they lack in dancing skills they sure make up for with their getting naked skills! I enjoyed this.

Video of German babes dancing naked

15 thoughts on “Micaela Schaefer and Bettie Ballhaus in Naked Music Video”

  1. Bettie Ballhaus has been a favorite of mine for a long time. She’s the only one of these three ladies without implants and she’s the hottest.

  2. @BeerMan

    … and it makes me think, if it is due to our rotten beauty ideals we have.
    Boobs are only beautiful if they dont hang and dont move if the body does…

  3. Nicklaus i know you work hard on this site and it is good but the constant pop ups are annoying and the last pop up has now caused a virus on my laptop hence why im now using a tablet. Also there are to many kids making ridiculous inexperienced comments. Ive been into big tits for over 40 years and know my stuff but cant engage with people here because a lot of them dont know what there talking about.

  4. There is one pop-up. When you close it, it should be gone until you close boobie blog down. If you are getting more then that you probably have some spyware or something on your computer.

  5. @Harbing0r: Do you hate all natural breasts, which will always have some jiggle and sway? Or are you just trolling?

    @ca uk: Your favorite thing to post is to tell us about how long you’ve been into boobs and imply that makes you some sort of expert, but then you say ridiculous shit that makes it clear you’re an idiot. Your second favorite post is to complain about other people posting here as though you’re a grumpy old man and want those kids to get off your lawn. Niklas is not going to delete people’s posts just because you don’t like them. And your alternating between misguided braggadocio and complaining about a free website does nothing to add to our enjoyment and discussion of big boobs. And btw his name is NIKLAS, not “Niklaus” AND IT IS SPELLED CORRECTLY FOR YOU ON EVERY SINGLE PAGE OF THIS SITE.

    @Niklas: You specify that Micaela is a “babe”, but Bettie Ballhaus is a “porn star”, but as far as I know Bettie has only done softcore girl/girl stuff with maybe some nipple sucking. By that definition, in this very video Micaela is also a “porn star”. Is there some amazing Bettie B hardcore video I have somehow missed?

  6. @Me:
    As far as i know Bettie has done a couple of stronger vids early in her career. No b/g or dicks involved but some intense pussy action. Search for Mallorca Report 6.
    Also there is a peeing vid somewhere floaing round the net.

  7. Ca Uk’s post is hilarious!
    I’ve been researching Jackasses for 35 years and he is a prime candidate for my next study.

  8. @me,wether you like it or not having over 40 years experience of being into big tits does make me something of an expert, what i dont know about big tits you could write on the back of a fucking postage stamp my freind. Deal with it!!! @ beerman, i guess i would be a jackass if 99% of my comments read “nice tits” but that would be you!!!

  9. Look I got my doctorate in big tits so level of big tit knowledge is all encompassing. All you pleebs please just stop trying to bring yourself to my level, you are just embarrassing yourselves.


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