Mia Malkova’s New Much Bigger Boobs!

Porn star Mia Malkova is known for her perky and terrific ass, but she recently had a boob job that will make her famous for having big tits as well! These are just low quality caps but as far as I can tell, they came out fantastic. Got a real natural look.

I’m looking forward to having her featured a lot more in the future if she decides to shoot pro porn again. I think she’s only done OF stuff lately.

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

Mia Malkova boob jobMia Malkova boob jobMia Malkova boob job

Mia Malkova boob job

15 thoughts on “Mia Malkova’s New Much Bigger Boobs!”

    • That becomes near impossible to tell. She looks fine with the bigger tits in glamour shots.

      The others seem like she has less makeup on, far worse lighting, and they are more candid likely taken early in recovery from surgery.

  1. LOL! Boobieblog – Theres no news like old news – better late than never. Boob job June 2020 – Shoot pro porn again for the studios? Doubt it, she is making a killing on Only Fans – enough to buy the Blackberry Castle Mansion in Oregon for $4 million dollars.

  2. this is fucking horrible. she looks like another reject realdoll with too much fix a flat. im not anti surgery but these broads go way overboard too soon. shes is 28, but now looks 48
    that said, her titties do look great. he face however does not

    • opinions like sphincters, these imperfect bodies are full of ā€˜em. No reason to be such a dick-cheesešŸ¤¢šŸ’©

  3. So sad…. her titties were perfect, small, but perfect – a natural beauty. Now you can see from a mile distance that she has unnatural balloons that really doesn’t suit her. And so, the magic and ‘sexyness’ is gone.


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