18 comments on “Merry Christmas from Leanne Crow and Niklas!”

  1. Stevie says:

    I love her, but never an all nude photo.

  2. morrdigan says:

    I am really digging the flat stomach Leanne

  3. Boris says:

    I love ya, Niklas ( no homo ).

    Merry Christmas / Hannukah to ya.

  4. nothingmore says:

    Either her tummy has gotten much tighter (without costing her much loss up top), or Pinup File’s touch up artist has gotten realllly good.

  5. derp says:

    great tits, but does anyone else hate her face?

  6. cujo says:

    I’m with you derp!!!!!! She needs to pull that Santa cap down a bit lower!

  7. D says:

    She has a face? I can never manage to tear my eyes away from the area below the neckline. Her butt leaves something to be desired too, but those titties, goddamn…

  8. Beefaroni says:

    This is the best. What happened to the mobile site ?

  9. morrdigan says:

    I like her face. She looks like Alanis Morisette, but way hotter.

  10. Blahbuzz says:

    I love every curve of hers. She kind of looks like she could be related to Kat Dennings. Mmmmmmmmm, Kat Dennings.

  11. Me says:

    God damn. Those last two pictures just made a man out of me. Sweet mother of mystery!

    Merry Christmas everybody. Happy holidays. Whatever you celebrate.

  12. Khiaao says:

    She needs to work in hOOters

  13. D says:

    Good one! Because her breasts are large! ……..

  14. Jigrimasu says:

    I was thinking Kat dennings too.

  15. Jordan says:

    Wow! It’s a merry Christmas indeed!

  16. Jos says:

    Why are these girl’s navels always photoshopped/airbrushed?

  17. j v says:

    she has a beautiful face and body. I love leanne crowe.

  18. O-pie says:

    I love her face, too. Everything about her is perfect.

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