Merry Christmas from Leanne Crow and Niklas!

I’m off to a couple of days of food, presents, trees and lots of drinking! I’ll be back next week with the last updates of the year and maybe a 2011 boobie retrospect! I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and with that I’ll leave you with Leanne Crow and her big soft presents!

Pictures from: Pinup Files

Leanne CrowLeanne CrowLeanne CrowLeanne CrowLeanne CrowLeanne CrowLeanne CrowLeanne Crow

Download the FULL set of Leanne Crow at Pinup Files – Gorgeous and busty women!

Leanne CrowLeanne CrowLeanne CrowLeanne Crow

18 thoughts on “Merry Christmas from Leanne Crow and Niklas!”

  1. Either her tummy has gotten much tighter (without costing her much loss up top), or Pinup File’s touch up artist has gotten realllly good.

  2. She has a face? I can never manage to tear my eyes away from the area below the neckline. Her butt leaves something to be desired too, but those titties, goddamn…

  3. I love every curve of hers. She kind of looks like she could be related to Kat Dennings. Mmmmmmmmm, Kat Dennings.

  4. God damn. Those last two pictures just made a man out of me. Sweet mother of mystery!

    Merry Christmas everybody. Happy holidays. Whatever you celebrate.


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