I was just going to post this mugshot of porn star Mercedes Carrera because WOW.. she looks rough, and thats kinda funny. But, then I found out why she was arrested along with her partner Daemon Cins, and they are accused of some pretty despicable crimes.
The mug shot is a lot less funny when you learn that she’s been arrested for sexually abusing a child under 10 years old.
What. The. Fuck?
Mercedes Carrera is currently being held without bail and according to the sheriff’s department, her and her partner spent 4 months sexually abusing a child. “The sexual abuse consisted of inappropriate touching, oral copulation, and digital penetration, which occurred over four months,” the sheriff’s statement said. You can read more about it here.
I suppose we should go with “innocent until proven guilty” but its hard not to be disgusted by her at the moment.
So that’s what Ivantheterrible looks like.
You’re a fucktard Ivan. And apparently a pedo. Not surprised about that.
I lol’ed.
i vote we feed them feet first into a woodchipper
damn, she looks really fucking rough & shes 36. remember kids, so many “hot” women are nothing more than special effects creations & trick photography
Much as I like pornstars withi big tits, tbh she never did much for me; I always thought she had a bit of a man face, and no amount of pro make up artists could hide it.
Poor poor kid.
Let’s just hope that the child can make some recovery and get placed somewhere she can be looked after.
As for these 2 scumbags..
Just makes you wonder how much the porn world that all us here delve into as suits, potentially fucked them up.
Not that that is an excuse for that.
Throw them in a fire or something
Ps looks like lead singer out of Clutch.
Not that it’s a laughing matter