Meng Yan Zhu – The Shot Off Collarbone Girl!

A while back, a popular GIF of a mega stacked Asian girl having a drink off her collarbone started going around the internet. That girl is Chinese model Meng Yan Zhu, and did you see the part where I wrote that she is mega stacked? I wasn’t kidding!

Masturbation automated Quickshot Launch

Busty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese modelBusty Chinese model

The GIF that made her famous

7 thoughts on “Meng Yan Zhu – The <em>Shot Off Collarbone</em> Girl!”

  1. Hey Chinese Ewa Sonnet, tits and vag or GTFO. Also be sure to thank the chinese communist party for the Corona virus from the rest of the planet.

    • I fucking did wonder what it was and agree to your sentiments Sit.
      Tho snorting it off my banger would be better..😜🤟

  2. is that vid running in reverse? looks like that liquid is running UP her tits to her shoulder

    whatver, she’s hot and looks like she has nice tits. shame you can’t see them….


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