9 comments on “Melody Foxx is Naked on a Sofa!”

  1. Deewok says:

    Just me or she look like she been told Mike coming round for tea? 🤷‍♂️😳🙉😳😵

    1. Iron Balls McGinty says:

      That probably woulda made her puke.

  2. Dick says:

    The pics do have a certain “another day, another dollar” quality about them… 🙂

  3. Deewok says:

    Puc 2 is the best…
    When you say he be here for…? 🤔😵🙈

  4. mikeroyne says:

    dogshit tatts trashy pig, but not in a good way

    1. derp says:

      You’re a dogshit dumbfuck retard troll, but not in a good way.

  5. Ginley says:

    Did someone kill her puppy before the shoot, or did she just realize all those random tats look like shit.

    1. Deewok says:

      No maybe she heard you were comingbround wi Mike..😵🙉

  6. mikeroyne says:

    i will agree that sometimes tatts are gorgeous pieces of art. this broad just has small, stupid pics strewn about her body. that in no way improves her looks
    in the end tatts aren’t deep or cool or edgy- especially in her case. you just paid someone to draw pictures on your body

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