19 comments on “Melissa Debling Sucking on a Candy Cane!”

  1. Eric says:

    She doesn’t look all natural anymore. Still looks great but enhanced now.

  2. Jokel says:

    Nope, Eric.
    They are all natural.

  3. IvanLeTerrible says:

    She should be sucking on a big donkey cock intead! Lol…

  4. blue says:

    Great example of good looking implants, sometimes they just look soo good.

  5. Jokel says:

    Sorry troll here are no Implants!

  6. Joe says:

    Looking more and more like she’s got implants

  7. Jokel says:

    They are really obvious all natural.

  8. Dave says:

    Wow, she’s grown!

  9. Anthony says:

    I mean, her boobs do look MUCH bigger than when she first started modeling.

  10. fact checker says:

    Hello, here the proof they are enhanced 😉


  11. nothingmore says:

    I’ll reserve judgment but it’s understandable why some might be skeptical. They’re symmetrical, almost perfectly round, and they appear to be about two cup sizes larger than in her other sets and videos.

    Amazing and sudden growth? One of the best jobs on the planet?

    Or Pinup Files’ (deceptively) gratuitous use of perspective distortion via wide angle closeups?

    You decide.

  12. Stiff Matty says:

    They were natural then she got implants. Either way, I’ll take ’em.

  13. Stiff Matty says:

    It’s so obvious to me now that she has implants! Click on her name next to where it says “Busty Brits” then look at every post below this one. Very nice boob job though – I wouldn’t hold it against her.

  14. Jeff says:

    Mel D is smoking hot. Always was and still is. Having said that–yes–she now DOES have implants. She had EPIC big and natural tits before, but clearly has had them done. It’s a pretty nice job all told. I’d say Malene Espensen’s are still the gold standard, but this is pretty good too.

  15. BeerMan says:

    Looking damn good!

  16. Joe says:

    She’s smoking hot and looks high too
    My kind of lady

  17. Frank says:

    She’s as gorgeous as ever, but come on, those are quite obviously “enhanced”. A look at her older pictures, her tiny waist is the same, her face is the same, but her tits are literally twice as big as they used to be.

  18. Joe says:

    Implants, she’s good looking, but seems to be liking the surgeries more and more. She must have went to Lucy Pinder’s surgeon. Spoiler alert, Lucy has implants. Her tits don’t move, droop, and lay down as real tits do. Sophie Howard’s tit’s are how real tits move. Lucy V, Michelle Marsh, all real tits. Lucy Pinder…nope.

  19. Scott2big says:

    Wow her tits doubled in size. But no implants? I call bullshit

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