Mary Magdalene’s Boob Explodes! Boob Reduction!

Mary Magdalene, known for having huge 38J boobs was recently forced to undergo surgery after one of her implants exploded. She’s revealed her new – much smaller – boobs while posing in a skimpy top on Instagram.

Before the explosion:

Mary Magdalene boob implants

After the explosion:

Mary Magdalene boob implants

After the reduction:

Mary Magdalene boob implants

Her plans for the future is to go for a more natural look.

“My next change will be dissolving my lips and my cheeks in a couple of months. For those saying I’m gonna go back bigger again–- NO. Been there, done that, had fun as scary Mary t*ts McGee, but I’m a woman of change – when I’m done with things I don’t go back”. she wrote.

Mary’s surgeries in the past include a Brazilian butt lift, boob jobs, lip injections, veneers, nose jobs and even an eyebrow transplant. She was also known for having the world’s fattest vagina after having illegal fillers done. She recently had that undone when she was forced to reconstruct her vagina after the fillers left it looking like “female testicles”.

12 thoughts on “Mary Magdalene’s Boob Explodes! Boob Reduction!”

  1. wow, there are no words to fully explain the endless, dizzying horror that is this thing. even lovecraft would be in over his head

    • dear lord, i wouldn’t get anywhere near, whatever this thing is, with his junk. dizzying horror is pretty apt description. It’s ass has it’s own zip code*s* i’m sure.
      “Brazilian butt lift, boob jobs, lip injections, veneers, nose jobs and even an eyebrow transplant” – next up – LOBOTOMY.

  2. NOOOOOOOOOoooooooo. That’s real? That is not a Mid Journey creation? JESUS CHRIST. WTF?! Why? Oh my god. Pointless. Absolutely pointless. What did she used to look like before the monster?

    • The before pic is probably in some attic gathering dust and being weakened by all the attention the horror is being given

  3. She crossed the line a while ago regarding what I’ll defend when people do things to their bodies, in terms of tattoos and boob jobs etc


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