Now that it has been pretty much determined that Trump will be a presidential candidate its time to choose who his running mate will be!! Porn star politician Mary Carey is throwing her hat into the ring with these suggestive photos. What do you think? Would you vote Trump if it means Mary Carey will be the vice president? It sure would be entertaining.
A treasure map to boobs: FLING
What a stupid cunt.
Fuck Trump!
Hillary ramrod is the stupid cunt. It may not be saying much, but Trump is the last chance for the US to not become a full blown socialist country.
If Trump gets elected, half the world will be a suspect when he gets inevitably assassinated!
Answerman – read up about the man before making a decision please, he’s filed for bankruptcy with many of the companies he has founded, so he’s an economic liability, and here in the UK, there is a petition with almost a million signatures asking our government to ban him from entering our country! He’s only wanted by disillusioned Americans with seemingly little education and an inability to think for themselves, please show the rest of the world otherwise, or you will find yourself with few allies!
You guys would fit right in with these topless chicks:
Cmon Answerman, you can’t seriously be that stupid.
She is too classy for Trump.
FEEL THE BERN! Trump is only there to make HRC seem like the best option.
Yes, you are all right. Career politicians are the answer. They’ve done so good thus far. Thanks to obama’s lack of any foreign policy, the US doesn’t have any real allies currently. If there was half as much evidence against any of us as there is against hillary we’d be in jail already. And Bernie?! Really? A socialist millionaire, career politician who wants to spread everyone’s wealth around except his of course. And people in England get upset about him, poor babies. I’m embarrassed that the US couldn’t find anyone else on either side, but that’s the problem with our 2 party system. You have to go with the lesser of all the evils. And consider this, why the US economy finally tanks, and at this point it’s a mathematical certainty. The rest of the world economy is going to implode. All of Emil’s beloved queen’s gold won’t save the day (and neither will the Euro or China). The only sluim hope is a business man (yes, even one who filed bankruptcy, lol, as if that’s somehow worse than the criminal exploits of politicians).
And yes, I’m an ignorant idiot for having ass differing opinion.
Phew! I need a drink.