Mary Carey Goes to Celebrity Pornhab with Dr. Screw

So, in case you havent noticed ever since the whole Sarah Palin porn spoof, the XXX companies have been churning out more spoof’s to satisfy your spoof cravings. I like the word spoof.

Here is Mary Carey at the premiere of her addition to the porn spoof genre with the title Celebrity Pornhab with Dr. Screw which is based on the reality show Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. Im not familiar with the show so I dont know how funny this spoof will be, I do find it funny that they have red carpet premieres for porn movies these days. I just want to know where my invitation is? I should have a press pass!

Get the Celebrity Pornhab with Dr. Screw DVD: Mallcom
Build your own vagina and fuck it while you watch the movie: Fleshlight

Mary Carey at the premiere of her new porn flickMary Carey at the premiere of her new porn flickMary Carey at the premiere of her new porn flickMary Carey at the premiere of her new porn flickMary Carey at the premiere of her new porn flickMary Carey at the premiere of her new porn flickMary Carey at the premiere of her new porn flick

2 thoughts on “Mary Carey Goes to Celebrity Pornhab with Dr. Screw”

  1. So basically she just took a huge shit on Dr. Drew? Shame, I like him. He might be another reality star but at least on Love Line he doesn’t take any shit.

    I wonder if Mary lost weight before this shoot because all the recent pics and on Rehab, she was sporting quite the gut.


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