Marina Sirtis Is Busty

Im not a Star Trek fan but I did follow Star Trek: The Next Generation for like a season or so. The highlight of that show was definatley the super hot Deanna Troi played by Marina Sirtis. I havent seen her in forever and Im happy to see she still looks pretty damn good for her age. These pics were taken at the premiere of Star Trek: Nemesis.

Martina Sirtis Martina Sirtis Martina Sirtis Martina Sirtis
Mr. Skin

15 thoughts on “Marina Sirtis Is Busty”

  1. She should get the implants in her hips removed. Then sue the plastic surgeon who gave her that face. Mutt. Big tits, so what, the rest is a mess.

  2. I used to wank off to Marina a lot but I havn’t a long time. The seethrough picture that marlni linked to had me hard in an instant.

  3. They are not implants, she is much bigger all over, the boobs go with that. Say what you will but she is smokin’ hot for a 53 year old woman and I am sure better looking then anything any of you are going to do tonight!

  4. I agree with Eugebert, she looked absolutely stunning at the Star Trek: Nemesis premiere. Edward, what the hell is wrong with you? If Marina’s a mess who the fuck is your idea of perfection? This woman is gorgeous, sexy, and beautiful, as well as classy and intelligent, kinda rare with the younger actresses nowadays .Her tits are real and spectacular, always have been, great cleavage, healthy body,tone, she’s in shape, Sexy, beautiful dress,great bone structure, nice skin tone, and at the time these pics were taken she was 47. Pretty damn hot, you inbecile.


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