Maritza Mendez Seduce a Cop

We know by now that Maritza Mendez is probably the horniest housewife in all of Mexico and she proves that once again by seducing a cop in the bathroom! I know all about the Photochops etc but I can’t help it, this woman is sexy as heck to me! I wish i could get my hands on some videos of her in action though.

Pictures from: Mexican Lust

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5 thoughts on “Maritza Mendez Seduce a Cop”

  1. There’s still a little bit if shopping going on but not much. I think the boobs are still inflated a bit…but I don’t think to a large degree.
    Perhaps she’s toning it down so she make videos with an obvious discrepancy? Wishful thinking?

    These photos confirm my suspicions that he doesn’t need all that trickery.


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