Man Stares at His Boss’ Cleavage Ad..

..but its not for the reason you might think..

9 comments on “Man Stares at His Boss’ Cleavage Ad..”

  1. Jason says:

    …what the hell did I just watch…and why am I so damn confused…?!

  2. Haywood Jablome says:

    Dumbest fucking ad EVER!!

  3. Sam says:

    I mean, hooray boobs, but yeah, that was a pretty lame ad. And maybe a little racist? Oh well. Her rack was pretty nice.

  4. Sparky says:

    Maybe I’m stupid, but I don’t get it.

  5. Ack says:

    Apparently the guy doesn’t know English, so he’s looking down to see subtitles, as if he’s watching a movie.

  6. crowTrobot says:

    video is set to private? 🙁

  7. Drew says:

    Yeah. Video is private now.

  8. motorboater says:

    Name of the chick?

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