Mady Gio Moves to Switzerland to Avoid Taxes!

Big tit OnlyFans model Mady Gio has moved to Switzerland to avoid paying tax on her adult content The Daily Star reports!

Mady Gio had previously lived in Italy where she would’ve had to pay nearly 28% in tax on her earnings, but having fled to Switzerland she will only pay 1%. It is believed that she makes around $150,000 dollar every month by showing off her huge boobs on OnlyFans. She has previously showed off expensive cars, including a Lamborghini on social media.

Explaining her decision, she said: “In Italy, unfortunately, the percentage of taxes and contributions is out of the ordinary.”

Previously describing herself as wearing a Steve Jobs-like sweater in some content, she said: “I had an Instagram profile with 80 followers, until my sister asked me to make a video on TikTok while we were at the beach. A few days later on Instagram they start following me en masse and I reach a million followers.”

And now she is filthy rich and not paying any taxes!

Mady Gio OnlyFans earnings

8 thoughts on “Mady Gio Moves to Switzerland to Avoid Taxes!”

  1. Guess, that’s the problem for many others, too. I wonder, we have @Estephania_ha in Germany here, who is pretty famous for her content. In Germany for example, you have, more or less to say so, register as a hooker for taxes and social insurance. At least I think thats what you have to register, as you have to register, but “cam performer” is bot an option. Things in Italy seem to be quite the same and just the taxes seem to be lower (as under 30% really would be fun in Germany, where you pay at least about 50% (if you are unmarried and have no kids). New problems….

  2. Shoot, I should move to Switzerland too. I’m paying about the same in taxes and I’m not getting OF type money 😂

  3. Much like Laetitia Casta earned ire for decades ago in moving to London…

    Too bad their excuses are even worse in today’s world: “Out of the ordinary?”

    The 1%/Davos Men being taxed AT ALL is not ordinary.

  4. Typical tax dodging piece of shit. Luckily for her, 4chan has some incel squad that contacts different countries revenue services lol.


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