20 thoughts on “Louisa Khovanski Nude Selfies!”

  1. shes fat with a really fucked up face. she must’ve bought the dollar store kardashian fix a flat

    • Concur! Don’t get her appeal, as she’s notably overweight, unattractive, and has nasty piercings.

        • not liking fat & ugly women means one is gay? this is a sad trope for the fragilely masculine

      • If you don’t like her it’s fine, she’s not my type either. But dude, look yourself at the mirror omg 😀 you’re probably miles away from her in beauty standards. But hey, keep on spitting shit on the internet, it’s free and makes you feel so good!

    • Fat? Dude, I guess you’re confusing the expression “fat” with something. I wish all women were as fat as her. 🙂

  2. I want to be a voice of reason, and say I completely disagree with the above. In my opinion, the very best girl in the business these days. I don’t see how you could say she’s fat unless you’re just talking about her awesome tits. I would love for her to lose the piercings though. I would let her ride me while I sucked her tits for as long as either of us could hold out.

    • are you her agent?
      reason eeh, her face is fucking hideous. it looks like 10lb of shit in a 5lb can. she had way too many back alley filler jobs.
      her tits are floppy & saggy and she is definitely fat. if you like that then god bless you, but its impossible to argue against

      • God forbid someone has a different opinion than retard troll mikey.

        Everyone should be burned at the stake, according to that loser.

    • I’m on your side on this one. She’s spectacular. I prefer a more natural look than the super slim and questionable age one. Different tastes for different people.

  3. What a bunch of insecure incels that would never have a chance with a girl like her. Bunch of cry baby bitches.

  4. I want to suck on her big big natural boobs and drink lots of milk. She’s a gorgeous all natural beauty😍🥰😍


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