Long Cam Show with DominicanPoison

If you like cam girl DominicanPoison you are in for a treat today. Not only did I find a new video of her delicious boobs but its also 99 MINUTES long!! Then again, the frame rate of this video is like half speed which sucks.. anyone know how to speed it up?

Chat with her LIVE at: I’m Live

Video removed per request

8 thoughts on “Long Cam Show with DominicanPoison”

  1. So, the video is really about 30 mins long and it’s playing at about 1/3 speed. To watch at regular speed, you’d need to download it and then play it in some player that allows you to speed up and slow down the vid (like VLC).

  2. as much as i like her, this video is a beating to watch…and i dont mean that kind of beating. the only good non webcam vid shes done seems to be for world star hiphop. dont get me wrong, ima still download it.lol

  3. Maybe it’s not supposed to be downloaded and redistributed? Hmmn?

    I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that it’s copyrighted material that Niklas has permission to post because it drives traffic to a particular website.


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