Loaded’s Scorching Summer Special

Loaded magazine ran a summer special in their latest issue with Michelle Marsh and Lindsey Anne Strutt. I havent seen Lindsey before but she gets the thumbs up from me!

Michelle Marsh and Lindsey Anne Strutt Michelle Marsh and Lindsey Anne Strutt Michelle Marsh and Lindsey Anne Strutt Michelle Marsh and Lindsey Anne Strutt Michelle Marsh and Lindsey Anne Strutt Michelle Marsh and Lindsey Anne Strutt Michelle Marsh and Lindsey Anne Strutt Michelle Marsh and Lindsey Anne Strutt

7 thoughts on “Loaded’s Scorching Summer Special”

  1. Jesus!!! That new broad Lindsey has a fantastic pair….I think she’s gonna join the ranks with Sophie, Michelle, Lucy, and Keeley…

  2. Damn!!! I just notice Lindsey’s dumper in the last pic…None of the other UK models have both nice big titties and a dumper…I think she’s racing ahead of the pack

  3. Those gilrs enjoy the summerfeeliing.
    I hope i understand those pictures?
    Greedings to both Martin


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