Linnea Hart Makes a Case FOR Tattoos!

Here is proof that tattoos on a naked girl can actually make her look BETTER! Linnea Hart got naked in these black and white photos for Arsenic magazine, and she looks incredible! She would look great without them but, this is also one case where I think her tats improve the pics.

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11 comments on “Linnea Hart Makes a Case FOR Tattoos!”

  1. Joe says:

    Holy shit she is hot! Incredible body and some amazing ink!

  2. mikeroyne says:

    we will have to agree to disagree. the tatts are fucking awful

  3. BeerMan says:

    Sexy! Love everything about her!

  4. answerman says:

    It’s like drawing a mustache on the Mona Lisa…but worse.

  5. Stan Helsing says:

    The way I see it tattoos or no, pussy is pussy.

  6. BeerMan says:

    I don’t understand why you guys cry about tattoos. Is every girl suppose to meet your standards? Obviously not. That’d be a boring world!

  7. Joe says:

    Arguments like answerman’s are just stupid. The Mona Lisa was painted onto a bare canvas, which is what her skin was BEFORE she got tattoos. It’s a ridiculous analogy.

  8. corpse paint says:

    “Tattoos are fuckin’ queer as fuck. ‘Murica! Whoa, wait, you damn kids get off my lawn!”
    -Typical Boobieblog reader

  9. BeerMan says:

    Ha ha! Well said CP!

  10. answerman says:

    Suggesting that a crude ink drawing is in any way analogous to a beautifully detailed and intricate painting is ridiculous. And my analogy is valid. The mustache drawn on the work of art that is the Mona Lisa is like the ink stain drawn on the work of art that is her body. Pretty straight forward stuff.

  11. mikeroyne says:

    i just find tatts to be tacky, i think they take away from, not add to a great body like hers

    people are so into their precious tatts when all they did was pay someone to draw a picture on your body…im not impressed. honestly, the tatt itself is usually an awesome piece of art, the people who get them tend to annoy me. they come across like a bunch of front runners or poseurs or worse, trendy hipster scum

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