In case this modeling thing fails for Lindsey Strutt which it won’t because LOOK AT THOSE BOOBS!! she could always become a nurse. I bet men would flock to her hospital.
That reminds me, you know how women always complain men don’t want to go to the doctor? Well, why isn’t there a Hooters type of medical practice where all the nurses are hot babes with big tits and walk around in naughty nurse uniforms? I bet all men besides the gay ones would go for a check up at least once a month! Problem solved!
Pictures from Only Tease
and thanks for the boobtastic babes column
Niklas, even a gay man would admit that those are some fucking fantastic boobs. Even if they don’t make his johnson tingle, I’m sure any man would like a chance to handle those monuments to what a pair of tits should be and also what they should be attached to! Lindsay Strutt is soooooo perfect!
agree with Ruterger
i agree with russ & Ruterger this young lady is one fucking hot babe don’t you say i would love to get my cock between her legs mmmmmmm