Lindsey Pelas Arrives to a Halloween Party!

Candid pictures of Lindsey Pelas showing plenty of big boob cleavage as she arrives to the Unruly Halloween Party in Hollywood! Not sure what her costume is supposed to be, but my guess is “slutty construction worker” based on the reflective vest.

Use a Fleshlight while you view the pics.

Lindsey Pelas Halloween costumeLindsey Pelas Halloween costumeLindsey Pelas Halloween costumeLindsey Pelas Halloween costumeLindsey Pelas Halloween costumeLindsey Pelas Halloween costumeLindsey Pelas Halloween costumeLindsey Pelas Halloween costume

5 thoughts on “Lindsey Pelas Arrives to a Halloween Party!”

  1. you guys are crazy.
    I’m no white knight or anything.
    but, unless she’s into diddling kids or torturing animals, I’m completely into her.

    is she the hottest woman to walk the planet? are those the firmest tits to grace an 18 year old? is she curing cancer?

    tell you what, though. she’s well groomed, and probably cool as hell.
    we’d shag all night long, sleep in and grab brunch.


  2. as an addendum: she’s five foot THREE!!!!!!
    With those huge, humongous breasts.
    her proportions alone are well worth the price of admission.

    she’s cute as hell on top of all that!

    you guys are nuts.

    • we aren’t saying she isn’t fuckable; that low bar is measured at the nano scale. we are saying that her stretched out tube sock floppers & her weird, overfilled face are barely worth a second look, especially when you can be looking at someone like Angela white or Gianna michaels


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