Topless caps of Lindsay Lohan from The Canyons which was released in select theatres and VOD today! The reviews for the movie hasn’t been kind but at least it has Lindsay’s big boobs going for it. I feel like every time I’m done with her she goes and does something to bring the attention right back!
18 Celebrity Sex Tapes and counting: Vivid Celeb
Still fit as fuck and has a great pair of tits!!!
I’d titfuck her and lob the goo all over those duck lips
^ This
Seen em before. She really needs to hit the hard core porn for anyone to see anything new.
Nice tits!
She needs to make a porno like that teen mom did
Finally real lilo nudes . I’d tit fuck her and cream her nips
Not a complaint, but I sure would enjoy these much more if she looked like she did in Mean Girls.
Agreed, corpse paint. That being said, she still looks much better than I expected her to at this point.
She has great tits, my only complaint is her nipples. They look colored on.
Trust me fellas, Linday Lohan’s pussy smells like a can of salmon left out in the Malibu sun.
She and Christina Ricci both waited too long before showing their tits — would’ve been much better if they’d shown them when they were still young and nubile.
Still, yeah, despite all the hell she’s put herself through, her tits do look pretty good.
Maybe so, DJ, but I’d sure like to find out for myself.
I’m pretty sure I just saw everything I need to see in this movie.
I gotta say her tits are still beautifulllll……only thing I like about her!