Lily Madison took to Twitter to let all her fans know that Boobie Blog is MEAN and SUCKS! I know what you’re thinking. Who the fuck is Lily Madison? I thought that too and had to dig into the archives to be reminded. Turns out that she’s a nude model and apparently I’ve made a few posts about her that she DOES NOT like!!
Here’s what she had to say:
Why do people think it's cool to insult womans looks online?You're a joke @boobieblog don't blog about me ever again
— lily madison (@Lilymadisonxox) May 6, 2016
This is a weird one. Am I the only one who notices the BOLDED sentence “No doubt those tits are amazing”? Saying that tits are amazing is an insult to a woman’s looks? Also, stating that I’m not sure if you’re hot or not is NOT an insult. I have to think ALL women are hot to not be offensive?
You look like a fat troll who’s hair is on fire. THAT’s a fucking insult.
Then cam girl Ophelia Vile decided to chime in.
@OpheliaVileMFC @boobieblog luckily I'm thick skinned but it's disgusting how these men talk about woman !
— lily madison (@Lilymadisonxox) May 6, 2016
I’ve looked at your photos Ophelia. VILE indeed! And Lily.. yeah. REAL thick skinned. A person isn’t sure if you’re hot or not and you’re acting like they just called you a fat troll who just walked out of the Fort McMurry fire. The only thing thick about you is your fucking thighs!! BOOM!! ROASTED!!
Lily then quotes another post I made about her:
Seriously this guy @boobieblog . Make sure you to tell him if im "hot or not " guys ….
— lily madison (@Lilymadisonxox) May 6, 2016
Again. I don’t see anything insulting about this post at all. It pretty much says the exact same thing the first post did. Lily, you are narcissistic and delusional if you expect all men to fall at your feet because you’re just so goddamn irresistible. You’re a middle of the road big titty model and I think my post was a nice way of stating that. Also, it has an awesome bird in it.
Then again, Lily probably has gotten delusional from losers like these:
@Lilymadisonxox @boobieblog babe…There is nothing to decide! You're one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen and one of the hottest
— Leo_Lance29 (@Leo_29y) May 6, 2016
@Lilymadisonxox @boobieblog He needs a fucking life.
— da Costa (@filipe8337) May 6, 2016
@Lilymadisonxox @boobieblog plan out rude blocked and reported…. you're absolutely breathtaking beautiful xx
— LilyMadisonFanSite (@LilyMadisonFan) May 6, 2016
@Lilymadisonxox @boobieblog he's an idiot and probably gay
— marty houle (@love71cuda) May 6, 2016
You guys are all very weak men. Enjoy being EXPOSED to thousands of viewers on a PORN site. And Lily. You are putting yourself out there in the public. If you can’t handle someone vaguely saying that they don’t find you hot, maybe you should go do something else? I will continue to talk about whatever I want and whenever I want. I rule. You suck. And, when your boobs are old and saggy I will still rule.
Well said, Nik. Well said indeed.
Wow that guy got pretty angry about a mild comment. He has nice tits though.
Anything is a “Insult” now a days… Cool it with the over sensitivity, you strip for a living, your skin should be tough.
I do think guys here enjoy posting extra harsh comments. Too many internet tough guys, who wouldn’t say the crap they say to these women face to face. They’d be like a puppy dog dreaming of fucking them. Most of the women posted here are hotter than our wives/girlfriends. Maybe I’m old school, but I think it’s best to simply not say anything if you don’t have something nice to say. Nik can look at the lack of views & comments on the posts to judge who we like or not.
“you’re one of the most beautiful women i’ve ever seen”
… this guy is blind. 😮
While her reaction is far from what one would expected of somebody who identifies as “thick-skinned” (and I really don’t feel like your post was objectively insulting), I’d like to think a grown-ass man wouldn’t necessarily feel the urge to write a big blog post about it and proceed to “roast” everyone involved.
Why not just clear it up? How about, “Hey, sorry if you were offended, but I wasn’t insulting anyone. Even if I had said I don’t find you hot, it would’ve been just my personal preference, and I never tried to shove it down my viewers’ throats”? Or, god forbid, leave it alone? Instead, you basically proved her point, and will likely get praise from the misogynistic portion of your viewer baseâ€â€much to the contrast of the starry-eyed whiteknighting she receives from her cult following.
My opinion: pathetic overreaction and unnecessary drama on both sides.
Nice one, Nik!
@Squalla – Why should I? She’s bad mouthing me in public to her almost 100,000 followers. Completely unwarranted as well I might add.
Also. This is way more fun.
“I will still rule”
Does this confirm that this site is run by a 14 year old?
@Niklas: And now these almost 100,000 followers think you’re a confirmed dick, so if you were worried about image or audience, good job. Although I really feel like you’re just trying to generate buzz and pander to your viewers. I can understand that, even if I don’t agree with it.
I could not agree more. I never found Lily to be particularly hot, compared to the hundreds, even thousands, of nude models out there, she just do not compare. Is she nasty looking? No, just not my type. Noone is everyones type. When I can wank off to women like Aiden Starr, Kendra Roll, Danni Ashe and so on, why would I even bother with her? Freaking out like this and attacking someone for having a differing opinion just screams ‘Notice me, I’m an attention whore!’, and it is pathetic.
to be completely frank, she reminds me of a rotund version of a certain horse-faced celebrity.
thats not rude is it? its a compliment to say she looks like a famous person right?
Ok cool, you needed to blow off some steam, understandable. But please let that be the only post on the subject, because that was incredibly pathetic. By both of you. We’re here to see boobs, not petty arguments.
She is an ugly hag who looks at the mirror and sees a pricess, lol! The local street hookers at my city are far more prettier than her. How someone with her mediocre looks and bitchy attitude has so many twitter followers is beyond me. Guess there are far too many lonely basement nerds aroud willing to follow anything that looks remotely feminine like hags, bitches, whales, etc… Anyways, you gave that hoe a lessoan that she wont forget. Well done, Nik!
Certainly dontthink you ever intended to upset her , yeh she has great tits but clearly has way to much ego to go with it
She’s not my cup of tea but I generally don’t have time to leave negative comments and tear into people from the safety of my recliner. There are a few people on this site who only seem to bitch about everything they see. If you don’t like a particular model, move the hell on. Some people have entirely too much time on their hands.
Fuck this cunt Nik…shes lucky you’re even posting her
Had to look her up…. Overall impression… Meh…
Real question is why would a woman who makes money being naked on the net and says she is “Thick Skinned” care about your comment that wasn’t even really bad. Pretty accurate actually. Something about her that’s alluring, but not really a hottie. More of a sexual aura or something that leaves you bewildered. Not ugly… Not beautiful… Not average… Not a lot of things, yet still something about her. Not a bad something, but a good something..
Seriously though.. Her job she has chosen is to basically be spank material to every guy and girl out there who likes her work and she’s somehow complaining about not being objectified properly! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA…. Welcome to the world. Not everyone has the same tastes! Not everyone will feel you’re hotter than the sun! Some will and some won’t! Just like some think I’m a huge pervert and others think I am way to “Vanilla”.
She’s fine… Not ugly or anything, but also no Lucy Pinder.. I do hate the stupid tats though . Still she’s just not my preference even with clothes on as personality matters and her’s reeks of narcissist and that is the biggest turn off of all!
Wondered for a moment why she hates free advertising either way on here… Then saw the dates you posted her. Maybe she is mad you don’t post more often and thought this would get you attention for more free advertising???? You only mentioned her three times in 2014so why is she bringing this up now? Maybe that’s what she really finds insulting. lol
Meh, a bit of a bs response to a bs reaction but I’m slightly amused as it was somewhat justified.
Its certainly kicked up a bit of a shitstorm all of this but yeh lets all move the fuck on. Agree with stiff matty tho there is way to much negativity on here and its usually the same few people
(You know who you are). Im an experienced tit man and have been for over 40 years and what idont know about tits n ass you could write on a postage stamp. Really pisses me off when kids come on hear slamming a model in a very childish pathetic school yard way. A lot of the guys on here must be teenagers in there rooms on daddys laptop discovering tits for the first time. As for lilly she did some great work at score in my opinion
Couldn’t agree with Squallas, but I guess any publicity is good publicity. Just goes to show how childish Niklas can be, lowering himself to that level.
“Posting Big Tits Since 2005”. In all that time I only know of 2 models who have taken offense to what I’ve written about them. I think that pretty much speaks for itself.
Also, childish? What about this site has made you think I’m a mature man with a tie?
If she and others object to being om “Boobieblog” then maybe you should consider boycotting them in the future. Also contact other sites to see if they will do the same. There are loads of other pretty women out there. She is not worth the bother.
Daaaaaaaaamn you roasted her! I love me some tempered Nik.
Continue like that, your blog is excellent
LoL. So thick skinned that she is bitching about 2 two year old post.
If she and others object so much to being on “Boobieblog” then you should boycott them. Maybe the loss of fans could show them how self centered they are. It would also help if you could encourage other sites to boycott them as well.
>implying porn stars are renowned for being mentally stable
Don’t sweat it, Niklas.
Gotta stick up for yourself, Niklas. You did good, mate! They threw your name under the bus, not understanding that this site promotes larger-busted women. PROMOTES. They threw shade, you just volleyed a little back. (In a great way.)
I’m proud of you son. *sniffs*
Buddy…pal. The reality is this. Call it a hobby, call it a passion…call it whatever you want cause you have for over a decade. You present to all of us, content you care about, and it so happens other either enjoy it or dislike it.
Your network of sites all hold true to the content you present. I check thenipslip on the daily for news and interesting happenings.
This chick clearly dislikes the fact you aren’t one of those “OMZGO, YOU’RE SO HOTTTTTT” of dudes. For..she really isn’t all that fine. She also loses points for holding a date raffle… Who the fuck does that? Attention Whores who are trying to be “original”. If she was really bold, she’d post some pics of her when she wakes up…not all made up.
It also seems like she blocks people who support her cause…so who knows what’s going on there.
Here’s to another decade of sexy my friend!
Who? Me? How? LOL
Because you got called unprofessional and childish on boobsrealm =)
If you write a serious article about my ridiculous rant, I think the joke is on you. I have proclaimed war on that site though.
Lily has some kind of mental disorder. She seems to believe in the Anita Sarkeesian internet where anything she reads that she doesn’t like is tantamount to rape, and anyone that resists grovelling at her (or any woman’s) feet should be sent to hard labor and death in Siberia.