8 comments on “Lil Vos is a Stripper!”

  1. Corpse Paint says:

    Excellent tattoo!

  2. DaTruth says:

    Wif a name like Li’l Vos, I wuz expecting a big black hoe wif sum floppy titties. Quit yo cultural appropriation and don’t be stealin African-American names.

  3. Anonymous says:

    another beautiful woman ruined by FUCKING UGLY tattoos, it looks like skin cancer. What a fucking idiot.

  4. Don P says:

    If someone’s HOT, that shit makes them hotter? Right. Just like on a fat 55 YO that thinks that will help. What a FUBAR mentality.

  5. mikeroyne says:

    that shit smear on her side is fucking terrible. at least if these women had tattoos with colors, they would be slightly less awful. the black ink looks like they are just covered in mud & shit

  6. Paul says:

    I don’t like the tattoo. However, if she was laid naked on my bed I would not give the tattoo a second thought. I would be pumping that pussy until I drained every last drop out of my balls.

  7. Al_Anon says:

    Uh oh. I think this new diet caused Nik to pass out. He hasn’t been updating much today.

    And like everyone above who isn’t a troll, I think she’d look a lot better without the ink.

  8. Deewok says:

    What would be great is if every hot woman in the world got tatts.
    That would leave the boring auld bassards wi just the fat ugly bassards…
    Which is probably the nearest they ever get to a woman anyway…
    Good luck wi diet Nic, but you’ll look and feel better for it 🤔😉😜🤘

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