Oh wow. Those thing have really pancaked out. She should have done more when they were still full and roundish. Inevitable, but sad to see. Reply
Still no normal hardcore scene.. so so sad, after many many years, only teasing and doing “nothing”. wow.. Reply
Thank god we can’t see your face, its probably green colored with tusks coming out of your mouth and TROLL tattooed on your forehead. Reply
Oh wow. Those thing have really pancaked out. She should have done more when they were still full and roundish. Inevitable, but sad to see.
Still no normal hardcore scene.. so so sad, after many many years, only teasing and doing “nothing”. wow..
shes fucking gross & obese. at least they didn’t show her face so that’s a plus
Thank god we can’t see your face, its probably green colored with tusks coming out of your mouth and TROLL tattooed on your forehead.
cmon shitbird, you know i would never get a tattoo
Still the same comments about no hardcore from sad people who are wasting oxygen. Sad.