8 comments on “Leanne Crow is Wonder Woman”

  1. jane-head says:

    this is the thickest and most voluptuous version of wonder woman i have ever seen. breasts nice but lower half could use some gym time.

  2. corpse paint says:

    These may be old. She trimmed up at some point, lost the fat but kept the mammaries. Astounding.

  3. mr hung says:

    i think her body is perfect!

  4. mr hung says:

    i think her body is perfect!

  5. Al_Anon says:

    Anybody else notice that Leanne Crow gets approximately 0 ‘butter face’ comments, while that seems to be the #1 thing people say about Stacey Poole? I know this isn’t FaceBlog or anything, but thats kinda crazy to me. Does having absolutely ginormous tits make the face 100% irrelevant?

  6. Hanzo says:

    I’m huge fan of Miss Crow. The only thing that gets me sometimes, is the fact that no one ever talks about how nice her ass is. Yes, she’s known for a huge nats, but dat ass tho….hella good.

  7. Sam says:

    I totally agree with you Al_Anon. I guess she gets away with it because her tits are bigger than her face, thus detracting attention. If it was a “who would you do” situation, Stacey wins. That being said, Leanne’s tits are pretty amazing.

  8. Ory K. says:

    I want to meet her and at the same time I will suck her sexy tits

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