7 comments on “Leanne Crow Hides in the Curtains (Unsuccessfully)!”

  1. Eric says:

    I thought you were talking meat curtains

  2. IvanLeTerrible says:

    Leanne Cow’s giant udders could feed an entire starving country in Africa! I’d love to get feed by those while Leanne Cow whispers in my ears: moo! moo!

  3. corpse paint says:

    I like this girl. A lot. But these older, less trim Leanne, wide-angle lens shoots do not do her justice. Seriously, get back to the un-airbrushed, more trim, natural pics. She’s gorgeous like that.

  4. yaya says:

    @Ivanleterrible how stupid and insensitive a jerk off like u cud b!!

  5. john says:

    Incredible pair of tits, too bad the fugly haircut and the retard face.

  6. William Still says:

    Not a big fan of hers, but I have to admit pics 4 & 7 are great.

  7. Zach71 says:

    MOMMY! She looks AMAZING here.

    RE: John… “too bad the fugly haircut and the retard face”.

    Says the guy who wouldn’t have a snowballs chance in hell with this goddess.

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