Leanne Crow Diary Pics

More self-shot candids of Leanne Crow showing off her new skinnier body! Boobs are still incredibly impressive though. I hope they never shrink the way her waist did.

Pictures from: Leanne Crow

Leanne Crow is bustyLeanne Crow is bustyLeanne Crow is bustyLeanne Crow is bustyLeanne Crow is bustyLeanne Crow is bustyLeanne Crow is bustyLeanne Crow is busty

16 comments on “Leanne Crow Diary Pics”

  1. morrdigan says:

    I love her. I think its pretty sad that photographers cant seem to make her half as gorgeous as she in her selfies. Especially pic 5, she looks great.

  2. Me says:

    I have a feeling her boobs would never shrink no matter how much weight she lost, if you know what I mean.

    That being said, her body is just about perfect. I know a lot of people think she’s way out of proportion, but I think she’s exactly the way she should be.

  3. nothingmore says:

    All of her old photo sets and videos have been rendered obsolete with this new upgraded body.

  4. I need says:

    I really need a video with this new body of hers. Good Lord!!!

  5. fps_doug says:

    Bit grainy. Might be worth her getting a better phone camera.

  6. Drakonov says:

    Leanne COW, I mean, Leanne Crow is one of the best there is. And I know what you mean, ME, cause I feel it too. Her boobs might be enhanced but its one of the best enhancements there is indeed! She reminds me a lot Julia Miles, who had also splendid looking fakies and made everybody think that hers were natural, just as Leanne does right here.
    I was deceived in the beging but then I saw the video with the scars in boobpedia’s discusion section and I finally realized that the miracles such a her abnormal boob growth coming along with she body becoming thiner and tighter could not be cause by nature but by the dextrous hand of a surgeon.
    Still I fap to her like crazy. End of story.

  7. Bob says:

    Wow people have had countless photos or Leanne bouncing those firm taut tits with virtually no sign that they are fake we get ABSOLUTELY NO SIGN of fake plasticy looking skin pulled by implants, the obvious globule effect implants make under real skin the fact that when implants bounce they look all uneven and dimpled. None of this has been seen in Leanne Crow.

    So either the people who keep claiming her tits are fake are trolls…or idiots.

  8. Papoace says:

    Luv the tits

  9. B says:

    Regardless of Leanne, implants are a lot better nowadays

  10. Bob says:

    @B No they’re not. LOL. Farrah Abraham just got titplants and they look just as bad as titplants made in the 80’s. Even the most expensive implant today can’t fool anyone. Leanne Crow has real tits, end of story. It’s all good though. Maybe she’ll do a breast exam episode like Jana Defi did, to shut all you naysayers up. That would be awesome.

  11. Drakonov says:

    The fact is that Leanne Cow does have scars on the lower part of her breasts, just where implants are usually inserted. They are clearly visible in the Blue Couch video. Go to boobpedia “talk” section and see by yourself.

  12. BigBig Mike says:

    Just want to add a lil’ somthing from her upload channel to the mix.

    …you are welcome.

  13. Bob says:

    @Drakonov, you’re a troll and blind. So boobpedia talk section is now standing in for medical proof? I saw the pictures. Those are not scars. I would not even have seen anything were it not for the imaginations of an idiot who really wanted to construe ANYTHING as “proof” that Crow has fake tits. Every boob site she’s been on has independently verified her as having real breasts. Please stop your childish idiocy. Everyone with a modicum of intelligence who has seen her bounce those tits around ONCE agree her boobs are real. When she lays back those things flatten. Stop being a fucking idiot.

  14. ca uk says:

    @bob,, at last someone who knows what their talking about,, ive had this issue with guys on other blogs and there fucking clueless…. listen up people leannes tits are FUCKING REAL!!!!!!!!!!!! there are no scars and for jesus sake just watch them bounce or watch them move when shes on her back squeezing them together…. REAL,REAL,REAL!!!!!!!! listen ive been a tit-man for over 40 years not 5 minutes like most of you and i know a real set of knockers when i see them and besides score have them down as real and im sure if any one knows they do so stop with the fake talk please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. ca uk says:

    @bob,, you clearly know what your talking about and im guessing your a leanne fan like me.. have you seen her zipper bikini bra shoot????? its amazing, her best shoot if you ask me…

  16. Can We says:

    Can we pleasseeee get a video with this new body of hers. I mean that body is enough to take ur breath away!

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