6 thoughts on “Lauren Goodger Steps Out of a Car! Down Blouse!”

  1. Breaking news: Girl gets out of car and doesn’t show her tits or pussy.

    She’s alright I guess, but another one to add to the list of too special to get them out.

  2. Technically it’s not down blouse as in fact she’s just wearing a bra..
    Still…worse things in life..😳🤔🙈🤷‍♀️😝👍

  3. the absolute state of this roastie
    face like a smacked arse another one that didn’t know when to say ‘no’ to her surgeon

  4. Jesus, these jokers are so amusing, slagging her off like they would ever have a chance…. ha ha if she dropped her panties watch how quick they would be all over her…


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