6 comments on “Large Chested soft_kittn Nude!”

  1. Me says:

    I don’t think I like that at all. Something very uncanny valley about this. Also, looks like the boobs are photoshopped in some pics.

  2. Shmoo_usn says:


  3. mikeroyne says:

    this is some low effort, processed sludge

  4. Twinpeaks says:

    I think you guys underestimate this woman’s body. Sure, I can see she is not everyone’s cup of tea. But the claims here as I understand them that she is fake/photoshopped is not the case. Niklas obviously has a better boob-eye than you guys. There are many pics and videos of her that makes it quite clear her boobs and body are real and not shopped.

    1. Shmoo_usn says:

      I’m not the least bit concern about photoshopping or not….it’s the fact that that body is revolting, yet some will still (somehow) consider it doable. You couldn’t pay me enough….

      1. mikeroyne says:

        100% agree. shes fat, weird & floppy

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