9 comments on “Lana Kendrick Covered in Rainbow Sprinkles!”

  1. Hood says:

    Obesity is just not my thing

  2. Jake says:

    Stop promoting an unhealthy lifestyle

  3. titman says:

    Lana used to be a stone cold fox. A true amazon. Too bad she pulled the ripcord, ballooned up, and never looked back.

  4. Emil says:

    Fuck off haters, more for me!

  5. theoriginalbob says:

    big boobs dont count if they’re just fat.

  6. mikeroyne says:

    she looks ridiculous. shes fat & those tits are like saggy tusks. ill bet shes at least 220lb

    1. derp says:

      I’ll bet your fat worthless retarded ass is bigger & more useless.

  7. Shmoo_usn says:

    Sad to see how badly she let herself got after an accident and a kid. Some seem to appreciate fatties, but there’s just nothing redeeming about this to me. *shrugs*

  8. BidenBlows says:

    Some women get hotter after children some don’t. I’m siding on the not side, but to each their own right?

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