Kim Kardashian was at the Queen of Hearts Ball to celebrate Valentines Day and that cleavage is royal indeed! I especially like the side boobage in pic #1 and #4, looks like she’s close to a nip slip!
Celeb sex tapes: Vivid Celeb
Kim Kardashian was at the Queen of Hearts Ball to celebrate Valentines Day and that cleavage is royal indeed! I especially like the side boobage in pic #1 and #4, looks like she’s close to a nip slip!
Celeb sex tapes: Vivid Celeb
Nice looking woman, but In scripture, our Lord says: “If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire” (Matt. 18: 8) I wonder how that passage should be applied to these women. Consider the following.
On the day of judgment, the souls of everyone who ever lived will be reunited with their bodies once again. Those in heaven will have a glorified body – perfect in every way. This glorious body will be endowed with four special attributes or qualities which will distinguish it from the earthly bodies we now have in this life: exceptional beauty, no imperfections. It will never get old or suffer any kind of pain and will be able to enjoy sensual pleasures far beyond anything we can imagine in this life.
On the other hand, just as the joys and delights of heaven are completely opposite of the pains and horrors of hell, so it will be with the bodies of the dammed. I will leave it to the imagination of the reader to contemplate the hideousness of those unfortunate beings whose only concern in this world was a godless life of pleasure and debauchery.
Consider this one example. The pains in hell will be specific to the sins we have committed and the parts of the body used to commit those sins. Whores and sluts, who were the play things of men in this life, will be the play things of the devils in eternity. These women will be continually raped by fiery red hot demons for all eternity. They will explode in one continual orgasm of indescribable pain & suffering. All because they freely chose to offended the infinite God by their sins.
Lest we loose hope however, we should remember that God’s mercy is far greater than our sins. His capacity to forgive is far greater than our capacity to offend. If you ever really need help, please pray to Him and ask for help. More souls go to Hell for sins of the flesh, than for any other reason. God is waiting to forgive all our sins. All we must do is sincerely repent & ask for his forgiveness.
So remember these words my friends, and I bid thee ponder them well, lest, for all eternity, thy soul should rot—- in Hell. God’s mercy is for the repentant – his justice is for the unrepentant. So repent of thy sins while you still have time; for at the moment of death, the time of grace will have passed – the time of judgment will have come. Do now, what, on the Day of Judgment, you will then wish you would have done.
Love, Amber
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s some of the funniest shit I’ve read (ok, well…skimmed over) in a long time. My favorite part was:
“we should remember that God’s mercy is far greater than our sins.”
…because if that’s true, then none of us have anything to worry about (because we cannot possibly sin enough to exceed God’s forgiveness) and the whole rest of your sermon was pointless.
BTW, Amber, the way most christians feel about the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is exactly how I feel about you.
Jesus Christ Amber!!!