9 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian’s Infamous Topless Selfie gets a Sequel with Emily Ratajkowski!”

  1. that’s odd. you would think that an attention whore on kims level would know better than to take a picture with a hotter girl in it. she is basically the fat friend in this pic. kim is no where close to emilys level

  2. This is a pity that humans who call themselves free and living in freedom accept such a censored dirty way of thinking about female beauty and natural splendor.
    It is ridiculous the hipocresy in dignity of those who pervert body according to false dign canons.
    They should be allowed to be nude free, admired, respected, not censored as if it were worse than bombs and violence. This society is insane, even with evolutive tools in its hands.
    Horrible social media who pervert human nature and expression of beauty.
    Hope someday the light will flow nice and accept nudity in instagram and some other places called “free” and for “free” people.


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