Kim Kardashian Selfie Book has Nudes in It!!

Someone snapped some pics of supposed NUDE Kim Kardashian selfies from her book Selfie. No idea if this is legit or not, but now I’m definitely interested in the book!

Kim Kardashian nude selfie

Kim Kardashian nude selfie

Kim Kardashian nude selfie

Kim Kardashian nude selfie

23 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Selfie Book has Nudes in It!!”

  1. nude selfies from a whore famous for getting plowed in a porno. That is definitely worthy of a bold font.

  2. a selfie book…please fucking die & take everyone related to you in any way with you. this book should come with poison pages, its a great start to population control

  3. ^ Boo fucking hoo.

    Gotta love the fact that she gets hate for being a “whore” on a porn website. Fuck men on camera for a career? No problem. Fuck some black dude on camera for fun (or publicity if you think it was purposedly released)? WHOA, whoa, that’s a whore right there if I ever saw one.

    More than half of the chicks you see here every day are in it for the money and attention, and more than half of them don’t know a verb from a noun. How does that make Kim Kardashian any worse? Why is she any dirtier or stupid than any other girl you see here? Is it the money that bothers you? Is it her gigantic ass? Or is it the fact that she fucks black dudes? And lastly, why do you give a shit? You’re not Kanye West.

    Don’t think she’s attractive? That’s absolutely fine. I for one come here for big tits, and she’s got them, and they look mighty fine. The rest ain’t bad either.

    Any other white, non-tattooed, fit pornstar/nude model who never fucked a black guy on camera releases a “selfie book” and I bet you’d all be all over it.

  4. Squalla, you hit the nail on the head. Yeah, I don’t give a shit about Kim Kardashian, or what she says or does. But she has some really nice big tits and I, along with every other guy who visits this site, would absolutely fucking nail the bitch if she came knocking.

  5. Squalla has a point. It’s really funny to see how the comment seccion on this porn blog is full of conservative pricks.

  6. You’re pretty fixated on race Squalla. Interesting. And the problem with this land whale is that she’s famous for no reason. She’s nothing more than the daughter of a shady lawyer who got the most obviously guilty murderer of all times off. And the porn stars you talk about work and don’t deny their jobs. its what they do for a living. This one can’t even claim to be a pornstar, that’s an actual job title. she doesn’t have one. maybe debutant but thats about it. That said, it never ceases to amaze me how defensive people get when reading anonymous opinions on the internet.

  7. Ah, it’s the answerman! I’ve been expecting you. Please, have a seat.

    Before we begin, shall we have a look at this comment section, particularly the first two comments?

    Interesting to say the least. Guess I’m not the only one “fixated on race” in this blog.

    As for her being nothing more than the daughter of yada yada: once again, why do you give a shit? Last time I checked, this wasn’t the Merit Blog and it wasn’t the Personal Achievement Blog. It was the Boobie Blog, and she’s got boobies. Don’t like them? Well, that’s too bad. Do tell us why. Any comment related to what she doesn’t do for a living or who she is, however, is as relevant as what color of dick she’s riding at any given moment, as much as you or mikeroyne seem to care about that.

    That said, I do agree: it IS rather amazing how defensive people get over anonymous opinions on the internet. Namely how you do precisely that whenever your taste is questioned with the fact that you mostly seem to enjoy fake tits on 90-pound chicks and anything else is either a “land whale” or a “cow”.

    I’m outta here. Well done on being the least defensive of us porn blog commenters.

    P.S. mikeroyne, I’d pay to watch you choke on Kelly Brook’s boyfriend’s tattooed ballsack!

  8. hey now, i fucking love whores but the kardashians are just so fucking annoying & shitty. now that king douchebag kanye west is involved, it just makes them even more awful.
    for the record, kims porn vid was really shitty & boring. i am not a fan of the mudsharks but again, whores/sluts are awesome. they arent even good at being whores, unless you mean attention whores. celebutards are the worst of the worst but they are the symptom, not the problem

  9. She a fuckin idiot, but god damn she’s hot. Just look at that body and don’t watch anything with her talking… just enjoy the beauty of those tits and ass.

  10. She generates revenue for Niklas because her articles get clicked (and commented) a lot – that’s why he’ll continue to post new content whenever he can. You can’t blame the guy for that, this site pays his bills after all.

  11. Well, thats not totally accurate. Nothing gets posted that I don’t like for one reason or another. My take on Kim Kardashian is that I don’t really know anything about her. I’ve never watched her show and I don’t really follow her at all. I feel like I’ve never even heard her talk.

    So, I don’t know if she’s stupid, smart, annoying etc. I like her tits and thats as far as it goes. If she was just a regular girl posting the same selfies as above I would’ve posted them just the same.

    With that said. You’re right that celeb nudity drives traffic to the site.

  12. Squalla, relax. Since you are a big fan of my posts, go back and look closer. I don’t lash out at other posters if they disagree with me. I post my opinion and when i get called out i respond to champions of the misunderstood like yourself. you take the initiative and rag on people that have differing opinions than yours. See above where you went after mikeroyne as a recent example. Anyway, thanks for being a fan. I’m flattered. I never dreamed another nobody would be interested in a nobody like me.

  13. Guys,
    Her family is a pain in the ass, however tons of men and boys are jerking off to Kim’s photos and videos.

  14. i dont care what any of you try to say about this, her absolute vacuum of a personality and overblown ego make this woman downright ugly to me.

    and thats all there is to say about it, i dont care how big her tits are, or how obese her ass is, she is a horrible human being, and i find nothing about her attractive.

    go white knight over on tumblr or someplace people actually care if you come to their rescue.

  15. Squalla, if you gave everyone here a globe and asked them where Armenia was, no one would know. So, stop bringing up race. Nobody cares.

    The Kardashians are all over our news and culture and it annoys the hell out of people. It has nothing to do with race. God damn, you are such a fucking dumb ass.

    I don’t care how big her tits are, the difference between Kim Kardashian and the models that get posted here is we don’t know who these models are. We have no clue what they are like. Outside of posing nude, we never see or hear from them.

    Don’t you get that? Fucking nobody brought up race but you. That’s the go-to excuse when an intelligent thought can’t be processed.

  16. +1 for Squalla. Kim is super hot, she has amazing tits and I wish she showed them more or at least did another sex tape before she got too old.

    Also – there is a reason she’s famous. She has a unique look that a lot of people (mostly women) look up to. And “look” is not just a physical thing. It’s hair, make up, fashion, which products she sponsors and which events she attends. A lot of women (and men) want attention and she’s really great at getting it so she has become a role model for that reason. Whether you think it’s just or not doesn’t really matter.

    There must be thousands of women like her but for some reason she is the one who became successful, so that must mean she was doing something right. Just because some of you don’t get it doesn’t mean it’s not real.

  17. Bunch of suggestive and nude photos plus a few hashtags, I’d pay for that. I respect the fact that she didn’t try to actually write anything like many other dumb broads who think being famous on social media makes you good enough to be an author.

  18. I dislike Kim K as much as anyone else. I hate what she stands for and that she’s somehow made so much goddamn money without having any identifiable talent or skill.

    But I must say, she’s got a nice thick ass and big titties. On top of that, she has done a porn and relatively often publishes some nude pictures.

    While we cannot hope to stop these talent less barnacles of women from latching into pop culture, it will be good to know she is setting the standard. The standard where these women are expected to get nude, and suck black dick on camera.


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