5 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian in a Snakeskin Bikini!”

  1. Is this even still a thing?

    She’s pushing 40 with 3 kids…

    So, hard pass.
    (To each their own though)

  2. there’s a lot of plastic in that woman – so much so that she doesn’t look anything like she did when she was young
    and the entire lot of them all look the same

  3. we need to launch that whole disgusting family into the sun
    sure she looks good but shes got a team of photoshoppers, surgeons & estheticians because she needs a lot of help. i remember being bored to tears with her lazy fat ass on her “leaked” sex tape

    • her sex tape isn’t erotic or arousing. she just looked bored and that makes everyone watching bored too.
      what’s the point of having a body like that if you don’t use it?


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