Kim Kardashian squeezed her curves into another tight dress to walk the red carpet at the 2019 Met Gala in New York! Looks good but how come her boobs are so shiny? Did Kanye rub them with baby oil before leaving the house?
22 Celebrity Sex Tapes and counting: Vivid Celeb
Quit giving any inbred dumb cunt Cuntdashian any press. The amount of damage those stupid cunt cum dumpsters have done to the lazy pathetic useless fucking idiotic youth of today is irreparable. They are the icon of what this world doesn’t need or want and the sooner they suicide themselves the better this world will be.
“inbred dumb cunt Cuntdashian”
“stupid cunt cum dumpsters”
“lazy pathetic useless fucking idiotic youth of today”
“the sooner they suicide themselves the better this world will be”
WOW! Clearly it’s not just the Kardashian’s or the youth of today that have “ISSUES”.
Too much Jheri Curl
Joe says:
5/24/2019 at 1:42 pm
Jesus. You have some issues. I thought Ivan was a fucking wanker.
Just another whore who thinks she is more than she is.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with some of you?
She’s a fucking celebrity. That’s what they do.
Did she shit in your corn flakes or give you VD?
No, then shut the fuck up you idiot.
Cleavage? Do you guys know what cleavage is? Because I’m not seeing any cleavage in these Kardashian pics. All I see are two fake titties that can barely touch each other.. unless you think that two tangential spheres can be considered cleavage
Cleavage you could park a car in….
They’re only famous for being famous.
None of them have any talent beyond being someone to point and stare at.
Usually I’m just: If you don’t like one, ignore her. Can’t help but agree with the b aptly named ‘Joe’, though. The thing is, this broad became so famous ’cause she paid fake paparazzi to produce flattering pics for her. Joe Rogan showed the real ones on his podcast once, where she’s not wearing makeup and the images haven’t been enhanced. Suffice it to say: She looks disgusting. Her ass implants make her butt look like an old full diaper, there are horrible incisions all over the place and her face has the cracked patina of a methhead. The fact that this hag is famous for her massively fake looks and that teenage girls wanna be like her shows all that’s wrong with this world…