Kim Kardashian At A Nail Salon

Maybe a career change as a nail.. uh… cleaner? wouldnt be such a bad idea. Not if Kim Kardashian comes into the salon, bends over and gives you front row seat to the depth of her cleavage.

I just realised that one could make fun of the clothes Kim likes to wear. Most girls would only wear tights and tank tops around the house but Kim Kardashian frequently wears that in public. I dont mind because she looks hot in it, just pointing out the fact.

Celeb sex tapes: Vivid Celeb

Kim Kardashian cleavage at a salonKim Kardashian cleavage at a salonKim Kardashian cleavage at a salonKim Kardashian cleavage at a salonKim Kardashian cleavage at a salon

4 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian At A Nail Salon”

  1. The only reason I wouldn’t do her is that she’s probably been stretched so much that my wienie would barely touch the sides. But I dig her for some reason.


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