Kendra Wilkinson with all her reality shows and books etc has almost made me forget that she started off as a Playmate. Lets look at some nude pics of her at the beach to reminds ourselves what she is really good at..
Pictures from: Playboy Cyber Club
She’s kinda fascinating. The perfect dumb blonde, who is just hot enough that we don’t care
…still not remembering what she’s really good at. 😉
I have a thing for Kendra. I think her legs are perfect with just the right amount of athleticism. The rest of her is pretty good too but agree she’d be outsmarted by a pencil 😉
I bet she doesn’t even float with all that silicon.
Her body is amazing… her face and brain not so much.
She is a lot more attractive when you don’t have to hear her speak.
She’s not a playmate.
Say what you want about her not being the smartest girl in the world, you can’t deny she’s got one hell of a body!
She does indeed have a body to die for, but I hate fake boobs. 🙁
Her tits are disgustingly FAKE….she’d be hot if she didn’t get surgery in the first place..PASSSSSSSS
Why all so negative? It is plain to see such a happy soul lives here – she can’t help being attractive – luck of the genetic draw. I’ll bet none of you could make change if the till’s computer went down; and yes, there was a time people actually did math with their brains. Judge not – she could be your superior in every way. (you don’t know) And if not – how shallow of you to take advantage. Were I on a date with Miss Whomever, I would appreciate every moment basking in the sunshine of their prescence. But if the lady proved they were incapable of seeing the real me with such open vision – then I would rightfully call them a douche-bag. But not before . . . that would be prejudicial – like if a woman turned me down for a date based on their thinking at a glance they know everything about me including how good or poor a lover I may be – happens all the time. How stupid is that? Yet all you women do it – always. And you lose out – ‘stupid is as stupid does’.
Her butt is a nice tight butt and I would destroy it