Kelly Madison Share Her Hubby With Gianna Michaels

I would say that my Kelly Madison post was a resounding success so I figured I’d get some photos from her other site; Porn Fidelity. At Porn Fidelity Kelly Madison and her husband Ryan invites porn stars into their home for threesomes. Sounds like Ryan got it pretty good right?

In the pics below they invited Gianna Michaels over for some boobs galore and galore it is! Which set of boobs would one grab first if one had the oppertunity? both at the same time obviously!!!

Pictures from: Porn Fidelity
Check out Kelly’s other site: Kelly Madison

Kelly Madison share her husband with GiannaKelly Madison share her husband with GiannaKelly Madison share her husband with GiannaKelly Madison share her husband with GiannaKelly Madison share her husband with GiannaKelly Madison share her husband with GiannaKelly Madison share her husband with GiannaKelly Madison share her husband with GiannaKelly Madison share her husband with GiannaKelly Madison share her husband with GiannaKelly Madison share her husband with GiannaKelly Madison share her husband with Gianna

13 thoughts on “Kelly Madison Share Her Hubby With Gianna Michaels”

  1. I always wondered what happened to the guy from Doogie Howser MD. Good to see he’s still in the biz.

  2. What an amazing duo. Gianna and Kelly Madison. He is a lucky guy. Oh, and Doogie Howser is on a show called “How I Met Your Mother.” And yes, I do realize you were making a joke

  3. And actually DOOGIE HOWSER is a homesexual… so instead of dipping his lightening rod into the smoking hot Gianna or Kelly, hes dropping in guys like Mr. Marcus or Peter North 🙂

  4. Gianna Michaels is on my, Things to do before i die list. Any suggestions on how I can accomplish this wish??

  5. Bigbob, I have an idea.

    Get a small business loan and start an internet porn company. Use part of the loan to hire her for the launch.

  6. yao, its really a dark blue. Blue blood is unoxygenated, don’t think she could breath much from the cock going down her throat.


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