Kelly Brook Cleavage on the Catwalk

Here’s Kelly Brook walking down the catwalk at the Giles Fashion Show in London with some epic cleavage!! Unfortunately some idiot decided to put on some crazy makeup on her otherwise very nice face that actually manages to distract my eyes from her chest.

Oh, and there are eyeballs on her dress?

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Kelly Brook cleavageKelly Brook cleavageKelly Brook cleavage

6 thoughts on “Kelly Brook Cleavage on the Catwalk”

  1. she looks like a clown do do do-dodo-to do do-do do do to dodo do da da da da da dado do do-do to do

  2. Umm…no. WTF is up with the make up? Looks terrible!

    The cleavage is nice but Beer Dude is right, get a top that fits rather than pour yourself into a number that isn’t yours for the sake of a smaller number.

  3. Kelly your breast look smashing, darling. The catwalk never sparkled so well. You should do this more often. Screw the dimwits out there! Do what your passion desires! May I suggest swim wear and lingerie. I bet you could let Victoria in on some of your own secrets that she’s been missing! One thing says it all and that’s BooDeeBoo babe.


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