Kara Del Toro Arriving to the Dark Phoenix Premiere!

Kara Del Toro looked very nice in a sparkly dress while arriving to the premiere of Dark Phoenix in Hollywood! What is also nice is the eyeful of cleavage she gives that fan while signing an autograph.

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Kara Del Toro cleavageKara Del Toro cleavageKara Del Toro cleavageKara Del Toro cleavageKara Del Toro cleavageKara Del Toro cleavageKara Del Toro cleavageKara Del Toro cleavage

3 thoughts on “Kara Del Toro Arriving to the <em>Dark Phoenix</em> Premiere!”

  1. she has absolutely zero to do with the movie

    it’s a photo op and a way to promote the shitty movie; pay, well, not pay per se; they do these things called gift bags which can be valued anywhere between $1k and sky’s the limit – for a movie like this it’ll probably be in the $10 – 25k realm depending on your celeb status. turn up to our movie, get your photo taken with the film logo in the background / hobnob with the minor stars, promote the movie by saying good things if you get a microphone shoved in your face etc etc and get gifts in return.

  2. Film logo? “Sidewalk closed ahead”? Ever think maybe she just wanted to be one of the first to see it?


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