JWoww’s Halloween Costume is Nice

I’m not a big fan of Jersey Shore’s JWoww but I have to admit that she looks good in this Svedka Vodka Halloween costume though! I don’t know if she is supposed to be a race car driver or a neon skeleton but her body looks curvy and good!

Those eyeballs in her drink probably get a better view of her cleavage than we do.

Big boob live girls at: Cam Soda

JWowws Halloween costumeJWowws Halloween costumeJWowws Halloween costumeJWowws Halloween costumeJWowws Halloween costumeJWowws Halloween costume

6 thoughts on “JWoww’s Halloween Costume is Nice”

  1. This broad has really pulled herself together. She used to be pretty sloppy, but she’s quite doable now.

  2. This broad has really pulled herself together. She used to be pretty sloppy, but she’s quite doable now.This broad has really pulled herself together. She used to be pretty sloppy, but she’s quite doable now.This broad has really pulled herself together. She used to be pretty sloppy, but she’s quite doable now.


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