Jwoww Put Cleavage on Display

Here is Jersey Shore’s Jwoww (I feel retarded just writing that name) looking pretty hot at Moon nightclub in Las Vegas. I approve of her choice of clothes, you think she wanted some attention drawn to her boobs?

A treasure map to pussy: FLING

Jwoww put cleavage on displayJwoww put cleavage on displayJwoww put cleavage on displayJwoww put cleavage on displayJwoww put cleavage on display

5 comments on “Jwoww Put Cleavage on Display”

  1. Delacroixx says:

    Jwoww has two problems. One is that she’s about 25 but looks like she’s 45–that woman has already lived a hard life. The other problem is that her boob job is so incredibly fake that it’s hard for me to look past the fraud on her chest.

  2. ac3boy says:

    She is 25??? Wow, remind me not to visit New Jersey!

  3. Infl8orama says:

    I’d do a 45-year-old who looked like that. Not Jw-…Jwo… *sigh* I can’t even bring myself to type it.

  4. wow I am so bored all the time, it blows… i desire a new Jersey Shore! episode to come on.. i freakin lovee jwoww!

  5. Im at Upenn studying drama, and its awesome! I met jenni farley from jersey shore the other day… sooo cool

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