Jordan Carver Walking her Dog

The very busty Jordan Carver is walking her dog in the woods when something terrible happens and she finds herself running through the woods in fear! What happens next is… well.. very original if you compare to the normal videos these babes put out. I appreciate that she is trying something new and I also appreciate her huge boobs.

Video from: Jordan Carver

Jordan Carver sexy dogwalk video

19 thoughts on “Jordan Carver Walking her Dog”

  1. that was actually not bad. although there was a movie mistake or two, but that was better than the other crap videos just because it WAS different and she did try. i did find it more interesting then those dumb ass teen horror flicks that come out every few months.

  2. Would have been more interesting with nipples. lol

    But it was pretty interesting to watch. I think they should have revealed the stalker/killer thing to be a cracked out Christina Model dancing poorly.

  3. that would of been funny. did you notice the movie mistake? it was pretty obvious. it reminded me of one those old 70’s Blaxploitation, it was that bad.

  4. Nice try, but she looks more plastic with each new thing. The action cant distract from her freaky implants and false teeth

  5. which mistake? the one where she fell down for no apparent reason, the one where she was suddenly ‘suspended’ a few feet lower, or the small continuity errors?

  6. There’s no way somebody goes to the trouble of kidnapping that broad and doesn’t have her top off in thirty seconds.

  7. I can’t believe you fuckers convinced me to watch that stupid piece of crap!!! 🙂

    partial nip slip around 5:15?

  8. loved it – A for originality

    the chick has weird tastes and in ma experience that means fireball in bed and is up for a lot mix that it with a massive pair of H/HH juggs and am set

  9. I don’t think that was a nip slip, but I do know her nipples are freakishly high (due to crappy implant job). Check out some of the photosets where she’s covering her nips with her elbows. She’s only covering the very tops of her tits and yet her nips are nowhere to be seen.

  10. wedge, thats a weird pic, really! dana’s heavily advertising her big naturals, scorning jordans monster implants. looks like not only her lips are blown up too …

  11. That was pretty good in that there was actually a bit of effort in it! I just expected 7 minutes of her walking her dog, which I probably would have watched too in all fairness.
    I don’t know what it is about her face though – It SHOULD be pretty, but I don’t find her that attractive… Kinda plain in fact.


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