Jordan Carver is Busty in a Red Dress

Here’s Jordan Carver looking very chesty in a sexy red dress while walking on the streets of Europe! Looks like she dyed her hair extra blonde and I think it suits her! Definitely a head turner.

Pictures from: Jordan Carver

Jordan Carver cleavageJordan Carver cleavageJordan Carver cleavageJordan Carver cleavageJordan Carver cleavageJordan Carver cleavage

12 thoughts on “Jordan Carver is Busty in a Red Dress”

  1. Walking around the streets of Europe? Thats such an ignorant thing to say. There are 50 countries in Europe, each one with more history and tradition than any Canadian or American could imagine. Try and be a bit more specific next time.

  2. How about you GO FUCK YOURSELF and don’t judge me based on where I live. I was born and I lived the first 20 something years of my life in one of those countries so I think I’m well aware of European geography.

    Go back into your stupid fucking brain and try to think why I may have written EUROPE instead of a specific country. Oh.. how about I don’t KNOW where these photos are from but simply thought it LOOKED like a European city?



    Nik’s comment wasn’t ignorant, just unspecific. Ignorant would be saying something like “the country of Europe”.

  4. To those who care about it: It’s Germany and trying to be more specific…I guess it’s its capital Berlin. The guy next to her is a german TV Host – so she might be a guest in his show?

  5. now that the smackdown’s been laid about geography, can we try to figure out when jordan is going to let those things loose?

    we could be drawing maps all over them.

  6. Seriously, Nik 1, Snarky Douchebag 0.

    And yeah, I like Jordan, but she needs to go the route of Lucy Pinder quick or she’s going to get discarded into the Milani and Wendy pile quickly.

  7. For the benefit of the Jack Menson bellend above, instead of taking so long to slag poor Niklas off, if you had googled “studio-kino” which is in the background of the pic, you would have discovered it is in Hamburg.

    As a Brit and a European, it doesn’t bother me if Niklas says it’s Europe, he’s still right you muppet!

  8. Man! Calm Down!
    If you would know a bit of Europe, you would watch the cars in the background. The have german plates.
    And the guy walking around with her, is Jan Hahn, a more or less prominent morning-show-host on TV.
    And btw: These are the streets of Munich. And I know it, because I live there.

  9. and no to @dave! “Studio-Kino” is a Cinema-francise. This is not Hamburg, this is Neureuther-Straße (“Neurether”-Street) in Munich!

  10. You really are a bitch, Niklas. Quit posting about Jordon Carver…
    She’s nothing but a teasing bitch.


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