Jordan Carver’s webmaster has requested that I remove all photos of her
9 thoughts on “Jordan Carver as Pocahontas”
This chick is unreal!!!….I’ll definately be thinking about Jordan and having some breast when I attack that turkey tomorrow!
Happy Thanksginving everyone!!!
This chick is unreal!!!….I’ll definately be thinking about Jordan and having some breast when I attack that turkey tomorrow!
Happy Thanksginving everyone!!!
I would :thumbsup:
Jesus Christ, the teasing is torture.
Man I forgot who Jordan Carver was. I was waiting for those to come out!
WHAT? No nipples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she should just show them to us already, this is ridiculous
read some where that she’s a lesbian and lives with her girlfriend since 19, what a waste!!
Wow… so very sexy!!!
Jordan is HOT! I would love to poc-her-hontas! LOL