6 comments on “Joey fisher Topless on the Bed!”

  1. Joe says:

    Anybody actually pay for her onlyfans? Does she actually show her pussy on there?

    1. phatmike says:

      I very much doubt it, I feel like this is the most she does. I like her tits, they’re unreal tbh & looks wise she’s fantastic.. but there’s something just a bit ‘unsexy’ about her

      1. Shmoo_usn says:

        She’s got a fantastic rack/body, but her face has never done more for me.

        1. Rikki says:

          Kinda of a butter face. Stacey Poole too.

          1. mikeroyne says:

            that’s a common issue with the English women. they are always well put together & have a nice look, but they usually aren’t actually nice looking. beauty is only a light switch away

        2. NxLevel says:

          She coulve an ugly face for all i care, she would still be at least a 9 in my book.
          Her body and rack makes up for it.
          A pretty face is nice but they never done much for me.
          I guess im the type that rather date a woman with a hot body but average face over someone with an attractive face but average body, like say Gal Gadot.

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